Selenium at Agile 2010

The Selenium project does not have an ‘official’ presence here at Agile as it is seen as a ‘test after’ tool rather than ‘test first’…

The Selenium project does not have an ‘official’ presence here at Agile as it is seen as a ‘test after’ tool rather than ‘test first’ — even though it provides the magic of the ‘test first’ frameworks… But there is a small, unofficial contingent of recognizable faces around that can help people out and some sessions on it.

Why your selenium tests are so dang brittle, and what to do about it – Wednesday, August 11 – 3:30 – 5:00

If you are writing automated through-the-GUI tests for a web application, you are in danger of creating tests that are more expensive to maintain than they are worth. With well-factored Selenium RC tests running in Junit or TestNG, you can keep your abstraction layers or “Lingos” — small bounded bits of slang for discrete parts of the object model — separate, thereby reducing the maintenance costs of your tests, and improving your sanity. Prerequisites include experience with Java or C#, and ideally some *basic* OOD familiarity (inheritance, composition, encapsulation, polymorphism).

Selenium Open Jam – Tuesday, August 10 – 11 – 12

Bring your questions or problems or complaints. We’ll try to ease / solve them.


  • Dawn Cannan – author of Confessions of a Passionate Tester and maintainer of the .NET version of Selenesse which is a bridge between Selenium and Fitnesse.
  • Adam Goucher (me) – maintainer of Selenium IDE and Selenium focused consultant
  • Jason Huggins – creator of Selenium and co-founder of Sauce Labs (Selenium in the cloud)
  • Patrick Wilson-Welsh – Agile coach and Selenium power user

If you are not succeeding with Selenium, come track down one of us. We might redirect you somewhere else, but eventually we’ll get you sorted out.

Last modified August 7, 2021: Renaming directory (e9895f27c2)